You can only understand when you can hear well.
Recognise hearing problems in children as early as possible.
Approximately six out of every 1000 children are born with some degree of hearing loss. The vast majority of these children will lead full, rewarding lives with the use of hearing aids. If your child does not appear to have reached one or more of these developmental milestones at the age indicated, talk to your family doctor about having his/her hearing tested.
Age | Developmental milestones |
Infant less than 3 months |
3 months |
9 to 10 months |
1 year |
18 months |
2 years |
3-5 years |
The causes of hearing difficulties in children are many but they fall under two main categories: congenital and non-congenital. Possible causes include:
for example,
- problems during pregnancy or birth,
- childhood illnesses or injuries to the eardrum.
In addition, according to scientific prognoses, a third of today’s young people will require a hearing instrument by the age of 50, due to damage to their hearing caused by noise coming from their free time.
Parent can do a lot. Inform yourself about what level of hearing capability a child of your child’s age and developmental stage should have and check it regularly in a playful way.
If your child is a little older, missing or insufficient reactions to acoustic stimuli, recurring misunderstandings, concentration difficulties or learning difficulties could be signs of a hearing problem. If you suspect that your child’s hearing is poor, you should speak with your child’s doctor.
If your specialist advises you to get a hearing system for your child, you should pick it out together with your child – just as with glasses or braces it is a big advantage if your child also likes the “helping accessory”. Then he will quickly discover that a hearing system has big advantages, which simplify communication during play or in school and increase self-confidence.
For further information please contact us at info@audiotone.biz