You’re going to love the way life sounds through Stride hearing aids
Don’t miss a word with Stride From background chatter in a restaurant to traffic on a busy street, each conversation comes with its own unique background noises. Stride™ hearing aids will get you back in the conversation, even in the most challenging listening situations. And, since they are designed for you, it’s easy to find a Stride that feels just right.
Designed for you Stride hearing aids fit seamlessly into your life, with volume control and program buttons that are easy to find and very simple to use. Plus, they come in a variety of colors to match your skin tone.
Listening is easy With Stride hearing aids, listening is always natural and comfortable, phone conversations are easier to understand and music is pure enjoyment.
Our new SoundNav automatic program offers more precise classification of seven different environments, four of which are specifically focused on conversations.
For further information please contact us – info@audiotone.biz